GCSE Textiles sample testing:

Textiles sample testing:

Although emprovements could be made, these are some of my experimental samples that I created during my textiles GCSE coursework in order to provide myself with a further understanding of some techniques I could use when making my final product. Testing allowed me to learn new techniques as well as find the most suitable techniques for a bag.

The two different images show my developments of the samples and how I changed and used a variety of further techniques to show further skills and ability. As can be seen in image one, the paints used in the patterened sample didn't take well when using the heat transfer machine so in the development of this sample I used photoshop to create a much simpler piece that wouldnt have over complicated my bag. If i was to further develop this piece I would present my machine sewing techniques to add more depth to the sample, making it more intricate and therefore interesting. 

Developing each of these samples improved my abilities further, whilst also allowed me to undertsand ways to make the samples even more intricate or interesting with even more techniques.


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