Make-Up over the years:

Makeup over the years:  

As society is ever changing, makeup, that today provides individuals with the ability to adapt features, creating new shapes and designs, to create something completely different from a blank canvas is also changing rapidly. Makeup, which once was simplistic products made from chalk, animal fat, starch or even insects, has developed into easy to access products, and often an associate with both males and females. Makeup now either water, silicon or mineral based, often containing perfumed pigments for the beauty aspect that we associate makeup with today. Although as a result to the adaptations and developments within technology within the 21st century, for example, tv, film, and the social media aspect present, makeup is now far more diverse and intricate, and used in a much wider context across the world than it ever previously was.

If we focus solely upon the use of makeup within England over the last century it becomes clear that not only has the reasoning between the usage of makeup developed but also how it was used, and what individuals were able to do using the products that were at hand. In the early 20th century, 1910, makeup was not accessed by everyday people and instead was seen as a privilege and owned by those of high social status and class. Rather than the experimental stage of colour we are in today, makeup was more a wash of colour, meaning applying lighter products to the face. slightly further into the 20th century during the 1920s, dark Smokey eyes became the desired look, with the use of lots of mascara after its creation in 1915. The 1940s and 50s then went back to a slightly more natural approach to makeup, where eyebrows were made pencil thin, and eyes were kept simple with beige and brown pigments as a result to the rationing of cosmetic products during the second World War.

Going into the 1960s makeup became bold again, with lots of lashes, often those that are synthetic, therefore being long and thick. Before becoming very simple and natural once again in the 1970s, makeup almost completely disappeared, and all the products that were used were natural coloured shadows. Makeup continued to vary between one extreme of bold and vibrant to simple with females aspiring for a more natural beauty look over the years from then onwards until 2000 when full lashes once again became the 'look' that everyone wanted. Over the last decade makeup has become far more individualised and dependent on the individual and their personal style wearing it. Subcultures and groups have begun to disintegrate leaving more individualism as a result to the presence of social media, allowing makeup to follow this trend and vary depending on the personality of the individual using it.

Makeup today is not used simply for special occasions, day to day wear or costume events but also the use within industry for example film, theatre and catwalk where a variety of products will be used to completely adapt a person's facial features into something such as an animal, or a creature within a scary film. Makeup is more vibrant than ever before because of the ever-changing science of creating makeup today or the methods we may now be aware of to apply makeup. As our society changes to fit the people within a community, and the hobbies and activities that are desired, so does our makeup and appearance.


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